Discover How His Daughters Successfully Create Generational Wealth Using Biblical Strategies to Invest in Real Estate...

I Invite you to join me in a life-changing, financially impactful Kingdom women’s mastermind, where His daughters collaborate in education, networking, investing and relationship to make their financial impact on earth for the Kingdom's sake, using real estate as the vehicle to create passive income and generational wealth as a fruit of their journey together.


Ready to Jump Ahead & Apply for the Mastermind? Click here to apply!

"It was over 25 years ago now that I was a young widow attempting to pursue a dream I didn't even realize was my passion, all the while trying to avoid the pain of the sudden loss of my first husband. I wanted to succeed and become a profitable real estate investor so I wouldn't have to face a false reality and work for someone else the rest of my life.

At that time, I wanted to improve my lifestyle, make more money, grow passive income by building a rental portfolio and ultimately operate my own real estate investment firm. It seemed real estate investing provided a way for me to accomplish all of these goals. Although I jumped in headfirst, I initially worked with no clue that I was making costly mistakes. 

The thing lacking for me was credible education and niche guidance. To make things worse, I felt terrible because I felt like I was in this endeavor all alone while learning in the school of hard knocks. I felt even worse about the situation because I had no clue if all this work I was putting in was going to be in vain or bring a profit. I felt like I was starting from scratch every single day.

The problem was that I had no one I trusted to lead me in the right direction and answer all my questions. What I really wanted was advice from someone who shared my belief in integrity and biblically based strategies. 

Fast forward - something amazing happened...

I ultimately pursued God (maybe He pursued me) and made Him CEO of my business. That's when everything changed. I began to receive revelation and a redirection of my steps!

At the same time, as if one major loss wasn't enough, my father became terminally ill, and I became his 24/7 caregiver which meant everything I'd just started doing in real estate abruptly changed. 

Remember, my leap into real estate took place over 25 years ago, before current technology and the ability to easily work from home. Looking back, I feel like I birthed the term, "virtual" investor even though my most advanced technology at the time was a fax machine!

It soon became crystal clear to me that the value of being in control of my own time and being able to take care of my father without risking loss, is a huge benefit of financial freedom. 

I became even more driven to achieve my goals, which meant I must stop stepping over dollars to save pennies and become even more focused. I realized that investing in myself would yield the highest return, so that's what I did. 

I also learned that my perspective on what I was doing and false beliefs about success were my biggest roadblocks. In other words, "My mindset needed to shift."  We need to stop thinking we can keep doing what we're doing and expect new results.

I learned that specialized niche education, finding the right mentor and surrounding myself with like-minded people, was how I would get there with less headache, loss and risk and increased chance of success.

Before I'd turned 30, I bought my then "dream home," worked for myself full-time, and enjoyed the freedom to serve God and make a financial Kingdom impact. I literally took a vacation every 6 weeks to travel the world, sowed into the Kingdom, participated in missions trips, enjoyed a fun lifestyle and was actually in control of my own time.

Since then, I would put my business practices and strategies to writing, creating courses and speaking and teaching across the country to share how I did it and how others could do it too, if they just had the right training and guidance. One of my biggest passions is teaching and serving my sisters-in-Christ.

I am passionately led to serve His Daughters by equipping them to succeed in creating generational wealth and improving their lifestyle, while simultaneously making the Kingdom impact they desire. New Wine Mastermind provides the training and education, business and mindset equipping, opportunity, like-minded community and so much more. Our unique Mastermind is created to do so in relationship with like-minded women excited to share the same journey."

"It's the Ride of Your life!"

I often visualize a journey like this one as a close-knit group of us equipped for a white-water rafting adventure, all jumping into the raft
excited for where the river is taking us, yet confidently prepared for the approaching rapids, even though we are unsure of exactly when they'll show up!

The New wine Mastermind offers...


Get Equipped in Every way...

Immerse yourself in non-traditional, creative strategies to invest in real estate. Learn why limited capital, credit or experience are non-essential to your success. Begin a necessary mindset shift by diving into a vast arsenal of education necessary to achieve your financial goals. Enjoy live weekly virtual classes and the blessing of like-minded relationships, making the journey not only purposeful but fun. Lessons are always recorded and then included in your online educational platform offering 24/7 Mastermind Member access. Quickly learn that IT is possible!


Opportunities to invest...

One of the incredible benefits to pursuing goals in community is the opportunity to collaborate on all types of meaningful endeavors, including opportunities to invest in real estate deals. Regardless of the "resources" you bring to the Mastermind community, other members fill in the gaps. As a result, members who wouldn't otherwise be able to benefit from investing on their own, participate in deals and financial freedom becomes a reality in this fast-track environment.


Training Thursday...

Enjoy live virtual weekly classes, including those referred to as "Training Thursday" with live Q&A following. Thursday Trainings encompass step-by-step lessons on EVERYTHING real estate investing, including the how, why and when to do all that is required to achieve your goals. All that we teach is supported by biblical strategies & scripture, so whether you desire to become a passive or active investor, the education & the choice is yours.  


Power Trips...

Power Trips are exciting live in-person events designed to take everyone outside of their comfort zone where God desires we be bold enough to live. Power Trips are typically 3-4 day long weekend adventures that include an exhilarating experience and the opportunity to share the revelation gained while participating. We enjoy friendship, fun, food, entertainment, focused strategy session and of course, prayer. There are not enough adjectives to offer the proper explanation of all the benefits of our Power Trips!



If you're doing life as a Spirit-filled believer, then this benefit goes without explanation. We believe in the power of prayer and recognize that His word is our Sword and does what it says it will do. Our goal may be financially focused, but we are living a life here that is not exempt from other problems. Recognizing this, we share prayer requests and purpose to pray together live virtually, lifting up all our requests, including & especially business related, to the One who is faithful.


Think Tank...

During our Think Tank live virtual meeting, we put on the mind of Christ and use this open forum to ask questions, get answers, tips, advice, seek guidance on real life transactions, share opportunities and glean from the conversation of others. It's our version of brainstorming.


Expert Speakers...

After over 25 years in the real estate investment niche, we are blessed with many valuable relationships willing to pour their expertise into our members. We love to welcome these expert guest speakers for live virtual interviews where we learn about financial, real estate and other services, industry techniques & trade secrets available to us as investors, followed by Q&A.


Portfolio Progress...

This is one of our favorite live virtual events where accountability meets net worth. Members are encouraged and motivated to push their financial goals forward. In this session, we discuss the best methods and available options for members to personally improve their finances, passive and active income and net worth.

Our Goal in This Mastermind...


Go from Employee...

Many are currently helping others fulfill their dreams and that's fine if it's your dream too, but for most it's just a way to "pay the bills." We all play a role in another's purpose, but is your current role God's assignment for you? 

Being employed is not the biggest obstacle. Being unable to fulfill your destiny is - is now the time to put your dreams on the front burner?


To Self-Employed...

When you are unable to dictate your own hours, you may sense a strong desire to "get out" of the rat race. Working for yourself certainly has its pros & cons, but it is a big step in the direction toward financial freedom. If you are not here yet, what will change if you don't? If you are currently in control of your own schedule, what is your current retirement plan? What are you doing today to create generational wealth?  The right steps are critical to achieving those goals.


To Financially Independent...

Our goal in the New Wine Mastermind is to take you on the journey to financial independence and creation of generational wealth using real estate as the vehicle to do so. Our goals are for His Daughters to  impact the Kingdom the way we've dreamed about. As a result, we enjoy the benefits that come with relief from financial burden! If you've already arrived at financial independence, congratulations. Your next decision to join the New Wine Mastermind can only expedite the wealth building goals you have. We can't wait to help make them a reality!

Real Estate investing is possible even if you have zero experience...

Experience is not a prerequisite for Mastermind membership. What makes you the best candidate for the New Wine Mastermind is your relationship with Christ and shared desire of the same goals. 

  • ​No real estate license is needed because making real estate investments for yourself requires no license! In fact, because of the non-traditional nature of investing strategies, even credit score and capital requirements aren't roadblocks.
  • ​No real estate experience needed. In fact, the less you know, the less likely false beliefs block your education journey. Investors use non-traditional strategies and if you've already been involved in traditional real estate, forget everything you know and start fresh!
  • ​All the training to actively or passively invest in real estate, including niche courses, real estate contract forms, masterclasses, videos and more​ are available 24/7 in your online training dashboard. ​
  • ​Mastermind Members participate from all walks of life and every level of wealth. Regardless of your circumstances, you are not alone.

Community of Like-minded Sisters-in-Christ on the Same Journey...

We recognize that we go farther together, and the benefits of community cannot be overstated. 

  • ​Members join our private Mastermind Member Facebook Group where we pose questions, answers, advice, tips, share life, business and real estate opportunities, prayer requests, testimonies and enjoy relationship!
  • ​Whether you're single, widowed, a single mom, housewife, employed, business woman or retired and you are a 50+ Kingdom-minded woman, then you may be a candidate for our community. Regardless of your "status," if you desire to increase financial and Kingdom impact, our Mastermind may be the place for you.
  • There are no restrictions! That means you are encouraged to also pursue relationships outside of our community with fellow members. Enjoy the opportunity to do deals and transact them with anyone you feel led. Consider the Mastermind the "steroid" to your already great workout. There's No obligation to keep business within the Mastermind only.
  • ​Women support women - regardless of our common financial goals, life happens and we are here to hold up another's arms and pray them through. 

No More Rafting Alone...

Wealth is in relationship...period.

  • ​I realize it's done, but rafting alone? It's often dangerous and even life-threatening. The same could be said for the investing journey.
  • ​Recognizing the need for an experienced Guide sets you apart from those you'll leave behind. You may not realize it, but you'll invest the same money to get where you want to go. The difference is how it's spent. One way is investing in a Mastermind that helps catapult you to your destination sooner, and the other is spent on costly mistakes that slow down progress, even though one day you may finally get there.
  • Opportunities to invest offered within our Mastermind community enable Members to work together, benefit from "boots on the ground" in other geographic locations, partner and grow together.
  • ​No member is required to transact business within the community! This Mastermind exists to serve its members with advice, introductions, networking, missing resources, education and the tools of the trade to make their financial and real estate desires a reality. The option to transact business with fellow members is not required.


What Others Are Saying
About The New Wine Mastermind?

"I have never been interested in real estate or real estate investing but as I opened up all areas of my life, including my career path, to God's will, He said,  'Real estate' and I said, 'Yes.'
After I said, 'Yes,' I was drawn to the New Wine Mastermind; initially because I loved the title... true story. Knowing I would be linking arms with like-minded women who have similar goals was enough for me to get started.
Our initial training was on mind-set; shifting from a 'spending' to an 'investing' mentality. This has helped me to think differently and encouraged me to learn something new. The training modules are broken down so I'm able to focus on an area of interest without getting overwhelmed.  I'm excited to see where this new journey leads!"

Beth C.

"It’s only been a few months since joining New Wine Mastermind but after reading Sharon’s anointed book presenting the details of what it represents, God told me this was for me.
In this short time, I have had a mindset shift and learned to delegate, what prioritizing really looks like and how important it is to have God as my CFO. Every step is a blessing.
As part of the training, Sharon introduces us to experts. One was the President of NuView IRA, an individual retirement account facilitation firm. This was answered prayer for me and he taught about long and short term investment options.
After the introduction, I couldn’t wait to implement this new investment strategy. Everything Sharon teaches is backed by scripture and past experience. I am so elated to continue this journey and cannot wait to share more incredible testimonies."

Michelle B.

"I thought I'd always be working and not because I didn't want to retire or have more time with our parents, boys and family, but because I felt trapped and couldn't see how it would ever be possible. I thought that by the time I could retire, I'd be too old to enjoy it. Thankfully God had other plans! He's our faithful Provider. Now at 58, I'm actually starting to plan to retire from the corporate world.  As we started planning the traditional way, I was introduced to the New Wine Mastermind, and it intrigued me. I thought, 'What if God has more in store for us? What if I can retire, still give generously and also start a new legacy with our children? Could it be possible?  Nothing is impossible with God, especially if we are in His will and I believe He wants His children to prosper and be able to share that with the world. What better way to minister and reach others than through generosity and love?

So here we are starting a journey into real estate investing, an area we had no knowledge of outside of buying and selling our own homes over the years. I'm excited to learn new things, but the real blessing is being on this journey with God, seeking His word and guidance alongside my husband, Sharon as an incredible teacher, and my sisters-in-Christ too. I'm not only looking forward to the next thing God has in store for us, but I can see this expanding throughout my family with our boys and another way they will see God at work. We now plan to not only retire, but to build and leave generational wealth. Prov. 13:22 (ESV) 'A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous.' This is an exciting time and I encourage others to seek God and see if He would have you join us as well."

Sonja H.

Who is Sharon Restrepo?

Besides wearing her most important hats as wife, mother and friend, Sharon is an anointed speaker, author and teacher. Her overall focus is "serving" her sisters-in-Christ a/k/a His Daughters.

She leads and teaches from a place of transparency, with a touch of dry humor, unashamed to share her mistakes as well as successes, bringing greater relevance as she shares on any topic.

Sharon enjoys serving women inside of her Women at War ministry, but in the "marketplace," her experience and reputation as a business leader and owner, licensed real estate broker in Florida & North Carolina, and 25+ year veteran real estate investor, has awarded her many radio and television interviews as well as speaking engagements across the U.S. She has not only helped countless investors find success in their real estate career but has helped her own clients earn great returns on their investments as well.

Sharon mirrors the business and investing journey the Lord led her to follow as a framework for successfully leading her sisters-in-Christ inside the New Wine Mastermind. 

No one is better suited to navigate and lead a group of faith-driven women in their journey to create generational wealth from real estate endeavors, attain financial freedom and in-turn, not only improve their lifestyles and those they love, but impact His Kingdom on earth for Christ.

There really are
no more excuses...APPLY NOW!

Are you ready to begin your journey?
If you've already been impacted from reading New Wine, Women & Wealth, or you're thinking, "Sharon, I've heard enough...I'm ready to apply," then I invite you to do so. Click the button below and complete my simple application to start the no-obligation process.
I will follow up by scheduling a private chat to see if we are a good fit - the last step is yours.

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PO Box 1494
Rockwell, NC 28138

Restrepo Enterprises, Inc.
Copyright ©2024 | All Rights Reserved
Contact: 561-429-6051

Who is Sharon Restrepo?

Sharon Restrepo is an honest educator and encourager who loves to share her 25+ year journey from unexpected widow to successful investor, including all the mistakes and victories during that journey. From that place of transparency and vulnerability, audiences learn the most!

She is both humorous and encouraging as she teaches, mincing no words. Being brutally straightforward is both her weakness and her strength. Enjoy a breath of fresh air!

Connect with Sharon on Social Media: